About Me

I'm a veteran Network Engineer who has finally caught on how to put together CS teachings with a Networking degree. Working on doing almost all things via automation.

Self re-taught network/automation engineer. I've primarily been digging around within Ansible and Python. I've been doing Python networking since 2015 when a speaker came in and talked about how he had put together a NOC for a conference heavily leveraging automation capabilities via Python. Since then I have been going deep down the rabbit hole that is Network Automation.

In 2019 I worked to complete a training course for Packet Pushers network. With editing from Packet Pushers, the content was created on the Ignition page.

In 2020 Cisco released the Cisco DevNet certification program. I am one of the first 500 individuals to achieve a Cisco DevNet certification, with passing first the DevNet Associate exam. Later I followed up that certification with the DevNet Professional certification as well.
